E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


thanks and giving

  • one hecka party
  • did i say i love my private life and my private friends
  • my lane and the view
  • cirque (sorry k-town)
  • wii
  • langston (yes, i miss you. even more i love you!)
  • growing sisterhood, we have come a long way and i wouldn't trade the path we've traveled for anything!)
  • my niece and nephew - saturday drives to san antonio (family time)
  • dinner with an old friend (somethings never change)
  • oh my gosh, i ate for three days!
  • days off chillaxing!
  • facebook... COPA i will do better
  • abandoning 13, and reclaiming the me before my grandmother died. (because really that's all most people know 'cept for B-Fran)
  • realizing that i will be VERY okay if i never wrote or recited another poem
  • being really okay with my aloofness (aloof def: removed or distant either physically or emotionally)
  • one really cool thanksgiving...


A little late...


  • conversations with Jon Goode.... (you are my new brother see you in january!)
  • duet slam (seasoned and well seasoned poets)
  • staying in my lane, and running the mess out of it...
  • a graceful exit
  • recognition of things to come
  • recollection of things past (remembering EVERYthing, not romanticizing, and having no desire to repeat them)
  • new bonds of sisterhood
  • let's say, i love my private life
  • even more my private friends
  • writing a bit
  • not wanting to be a poet or thir13teen
  • recognizing that the poetry scene is just that a scene (def of scene: one of the subdivisions of a play: as a: a division of an act presenting continuous action in one place) and not my life (def of life: 2 a: the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual)
  • real housewives of atlanta!! (Sheree, i feel your pain!)
  • for the people that know me and my heart.. thanks for your presence
  • my beautiful tree



01) for the love in my light and life!!!!
02) my Wii and my Mii(s) - I now have bill and hill clinton!!!! got barack the first night!
03) for the fellowship of the wings. Angel and Eb, i miss you guys!
04) weekend trips home to see my family, they sustain me.
05) for the langston in my life...
06) for seeing the beautiful sisters on saturday night. younger sis, believe it or not, you are missed.
07) for the spectacular poetry on saturday. i literally gave a poet my writing pen. I'm done, Son.
08) for drawing a three and not feeling too bad... as well as, believe it or not, the "searching looks" i received after i didn't make it to the second round. (LOL!!! the thoughts i had in my mind about you and you in that moment were ABSOLUTELY funny, and it would be hilarious to you if you really knew me!)
09) my godson X-man, his mommie and auntie (they are a funny bunch!)
10) for my co-worker friend and potential boss who came out to support.
11) for knowing that yesterday's post wasn't the best thing, yet knowing it needed to be put out there anyway.
12) for knowing what it feels like to be part of the original and not needing to "recreate" what's already been established.
13) for the original... bree, mad-hatter, bro bob, dorothy mayes, lalove, ronstable, k.a., mr. whip-appeal aka b-fran, sassy, cousin sarah, chelle, relentless, youngstar! (and mom), knowtorious, and maljazar. sometimes i wish we could go back to skinny sahara and road trips. when we were new to it, and it was new to us. somehow, things, people and situations got in the way of something that was once sooooo freakin' beautiful. we would sit at the table a b-fran's and write. love's black gallant. i remember before slam and scores we were friends and so much more. for real. and i miss it. not to say there haven't been some great additions, 'cuz there have been. eb, trey, brent and joe b came along later... i just remember when it was for so many other things..

bonus: g.o.d. (good orderly direction, i think i am finally able and willing to truly walk away!)
extra bonus: that you two are hanging out again.... Peas in a F'ing Pod! don't get into too much trouble!


I Understand...

Dishonesty is so grasping it would deceive God himself, were it possible.
....George Bancroft....

My character defect in life appears to be that I was and continue to be an old woman trapped in a young body. That's why my girl Eb, calls me "Auntie". I am the crazy Aunt that will almost do or say anything. I call it"real". You always know where you stand with me, as long as you're willing to ask. Some will callme "mean" out of ignorance and not knowing the language. It would be mean in the african american/afro american/black/colored folk vernacular and not in actuality or the King's English.

There is no evidence that the CORRECT definition of mean has anything to do with your spirit or your heart.

  1. I mean not to befriend everyone. definition: to have in the mind as a purpose
  2. I really mean that statement. definition: to serve or intend to convey, show, or indicate
  3. True purposeful and lasting friendships mean everything to me. definition: to have importance to the degree of.
  4. Everyone does not mean you or me well. definition: to direct to a particular individual

Creativity is a mother, but must you create a life? Man, just go out and live YOURS. Do you Boo, do you. It works so much better that way. How many people must you continue to get involved in nonsense and hurt in order to build your self esteem and LEGION of shallow friendships? Ask any one true member of the community. This community is flighty. Your crap will come back to bite you in the ass.

I am not an adolescent or young adult looking for any one or thing to sustain me. I would rather have a handful of good people that I can truly rely on than a million who want nothing more than another phone number, facebook contact, and myspace friend.

Angel, I know, but this had to be posted. Yes, I know one giant step back for bullsh.. kind.

Lastly to you, my Man. Sorry to see and hear that you gave in to the bullsh. It's easier to hear the people smiling in your face than to remember the people who, even when they KNEW you wouldn't like what they said, said it anyway. That's always been me. So yes, there is an element of truth to what you've been told. You know, but half truths can be just as dishonest as lie. No matter what the packaging. People love to get to you when you're down. Heard about your recent battles so it seems you're pretty ripe for the picking. When you get tired of the nonsense, you know how to find me. I don't dislike anyone person, I dislike behaviors people exhibit, even my own. I will still be here, because I believed our friendship was a lasting one. So even if you're pissed, you can always count on me. Regardless...


you're still here...

Happy Birthday Grand....
love you and miss you...


Once Upon a Time we were 'iggas. NEW RULES

01) Make eye contact and speak to other black people ! Brothers and Sisters let's acknowledge each other on the street. Never let a person of color pass with out saying hello...
02) STOP USING THE N-Word! I mean a brother now holds the highest leadership position in the free world. Can we finally evolve? Would you really call the President of the United States an "igga"?
03) OUR WORK IS NOT DONE! Remember back in the day when everyone was down for the struggle, freedom was at hand, and we could just taste it? It was so cool. Well guess what, we're in the midst of it. Let's continue to get our hands dirty, continue to mobilize. Continue to build communities and bridge families.
04) Sisters stop emasculating Brothers. A strong sister stood on that stage along side of him. She was referred to as HIS BEST FRIEND. Just think what would happen if we all uplifted Brothers.
05) Brothers respect and love your Sisters. Again, theirs is a partnership based on MUTUAL respect, honesty and trust.
06) Sisters can we now stop referring to ourselves as a "Bitch" or anything similarly derogatory. We don't just have a Black Man running our country, we have a Sister by his side. You don't think she got anywhere in her life by referring to herself as a "Bitch" do you?
07) BE ON TIME!!! What do you think would have happened if Barack had decided at anytime during his journey to procrastinate, decided to make an "appearance " on CPT or just said, "f'it, they'll wait for me"?
08) Stop making excuses. The road may be tough, yet there is a path to success. A black man has been in Space and now a black Family will move into the White House.
09) Bring back the black family. If you have a baby's mama or baby's daddy, at least learn how to become their friend. Or let's change the paradigm, and not have a baby's mama or baby's daddy, but a mother, father, wife or husband.
10) Remain calm in the face of your critics (at least publicly). There were many criticisms and challenges, yet we never saw him lose his cool. We are all capable of doing so!!!!
11) Be PRIDEFUL. Be a role model. The world is looking at US as a PEOPLE. Let's return to the graciously humble and beautiful people our ancestors were. In our short American history, at our height, and greatest level of successes, we were articulate, beautiful and humble. I'm not asking you to be someone you aren't, I'm simply asking you to be who you were born to become. Listen to your bloodlines. They don't lie.
12) Dream and DREAM BIG. We're here because someone endured the greatest challenges and struggles of their lives. They birthed the generations before us, who had a dream, individually and collectively for their children and their children's children. They dreamed in spite and despite.
13) Don't go out and name every child Barack or Baracka (for girls). I know. I know, it's hard not too.

Barack taught us about the audacity of hope, let's not have the audacity to realize our dreams..


Thank you G.O.D.
In my lifetime.... We can never look back. Yes... Yes, WE CAN!