E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


A little late...


  • conversations with Jon Goode.... (you are my new brother see you in january!)
  • duet slam (seasoned and well seasoned poets)
  • staying in my lane, and running the mess out of it...
  • a graceful exit
  • recognition of things to come
  • recollection of things past (remembering EVERYthing, not romanticizing, and having no desire to repeat them)
  • new bonds of sisterhood
  • let's say, i love my private life
  • even more my private friends
  • writing a bit
  • not wanting to be a poet or thir13teen
  • recognizing that the poetry scene is just that a scene (def of scene: one of the subdivisions of a play: as a: a division of an act presenting continuous action in one place) and not my life (def of life: 2 a: the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual)
  • real housewives of atlanta!! (Sheree, i feel your pain!)
  • for the people that know me and my heart.. thanks for your presence
  • my beautiful tree

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