E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


thanks and giving

  • one hecka party
  • did i say i love my private life and my private friends
  • my lane and the view
  • cirque (sorry k-town)
  • wii
  • langston (yes, i miss you. even more i love you!)
  • growing sisterhood, we have come a long way and i wouldn't trade the path we've traveled for anything!)
  • my niece and nephew - saturday drives to san antonio (family time)
  • dinner with an old friend (somethings never change)
  • oh my gosh, i ate for three days!
  • days off chillaxing!
  • facebook... COPA i will do better
  • abandoning 13, and reclaiming the me before my grandmother died. (because really that's all most people know 'cept for B-Fran)
  • realizing that i will be VERY okay if i never wrote or recited another poem
  • being really okay with my aloofness (aloof def: removed or distant either physically or emotionally)
  • one really cool thanksgiving...

1 comment:

Shelle said...

interesting list ma...and a good one.