E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


Lemme c, whur do I start?

wednesday- had to be one of the hottest nights of poetry.. interia came thru and blew up the spot. former brooklynite did it again, and the colorist, well..... well let's say she painted the scene green... if i didn't know and love her, i'd be jealous...
thursday- hung over
friday - let's see.. scare of my life. long short. try this, the great state of texas says my mother's name is pauline if i was born on the 20th, mary if i was born on the 16th... all of my information is basically fcked up in texas's data base, so i have to go to court and either deny my great grand's love and her name, or deny the most important thing in the world to me (the name my mother gave me) (too personal to go on) (a very fcked up day!) hight light.. had lunch with b and laughed our asses off.. before the texas data base fiasco!
saturday - why'd i get out of bed? had to go to work...
sunday - better baby! hosted the youth slam.. those kids are hella better than most adults. rachel mckibbens hit the mic for a quick treat... remind myself to beat myself, forgot about sonia's baby shower!!!!! rats... (which was why rachel was in town) ohh and did i mention i had to go back to the office? why am i sneezing so much?
monday - baby - "baby what time is your flight?" me - "6:30" baby - "it's 4:45" me - "fck!" by the grace of G.O.D. there was only one red light. CAMERON ROAD AND 183.. no heavy travel... but... why am i still sneezing? my eyes are burning.. my head is hurting.. i'm suppose to go see anthony david.. instead i am walking around walgreens looking for cold medicine... which i o.d. on, how do you o.d. on robitusson? don't ever do it it feels like shit. i wake up in the middle of the night on fricking fire.... my eyes are red... i must be at least 102 or 103. call the front desk they bring me asprin... i wake up every hour on the hour until 6:30 am to pee and drink glasses of water.. DAMN GINA!!!!
tuesday - post... hi mo! jo got your e-mail. tee great poem.. holla oh yea, and fck spell check, i'm still feverish, and am drunk on robitusson and barcardi limon! feels good...


Angel said...

oh no! i felt like something was wrong with your ass! are you feeling better? do i need to bring you some fried chicken wednesdays (hey) and a biscuit?

nikki said...

man, i really need to get out to some poetry spots here in the atl. you have any recommendations? (i know you ain't here, but i figure the vine talks)

Ebony Stewart said...

I'm glad your feeling better. And the mistake with the system is crazy! Glad you got a laugh out of it when you did.

Shelle said...

sounds like a very interesting week indeed. hope ya feeling better...

Anonymous said...

thanks lady!!!!! i hope you feel better.

joey said...

thanks so much for the piece last night....again, you amaze me! sorry your not feeling so good. and about the slam...um...transgress then poet!