E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


It's finally here. Mike Whalen is now Funky Crunk Whalen. No blood was shed. All summer long, I prayed for August 13th. That I would be liberated.. Free. I am fatigued. Will comment l8r.

42 practices
+ 100,000 tear drops
+ 89,000,000,000 words shared among teamies
+ 300 pieces of chicken (including wings)
+ 4 cases of pop (soda)
+ 10 pounds of carrot and celery sticks
+ 20 dip containers
+ 25 bag of chips
+ 10 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
+ 24 cookies
+ 1 fruit salad
+ 36 pot stickers/dumplings
+ 25 Pizzas
+ 1 trip to Ken's Coffee Shop
+ 1 chinese resteraunt trip
+ 300 bus trips
+ 1 hella grocery list
+ 4 smoothie experiments
+ 5000 miles of travel (collectively to slams, performance and practices)
+ 10 pounds
+ 20 frowns
+ 4000 laughs
+ 1 Hellacious Chronicle Article
+ 25 Slams (individually and collectively)
+ 10,000 hugs
+ 15,000 smiles
+ 1 Rock Star Photo Shoot
+ 3 grumpy days
+ 8 advisors
+ 6 solid HEARTS
+ 1 hella sister team
+ 3 haters
+ 1 HECKA SUPPORT GROUP (Thanks Masons, Neo-Souldiers, and the Neo-Soul Family)
+ 1 Old New friend (COPA U Put the ishness in fool... Next time don't come without Queue! See you in Vancouver!!!)
+ Two late night IHOP Trips
+ Infinte laughter
= 2nd in the Nation NEO!!!!!


CousinSarah said...



Angel said...

funky crunk whalen will now need anew theme song... i suggest something by lil jon, personally!!!! ;-)