E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


speak lightly

we speak... we speak in light and I am mesmorized by images transcending matter... of facts... occupying darkened time... pre you and i... minutes rush hours retrograding... shrinking in valor... considering... pondering... communicating in volumes at frequencies audible only to mass and gas flirting with the andromeda galaxy... begging to commune... praying for unison... dying to become stars... voices twinkle... we speak... unimaginable... universes milk light from barren holes disguised as souls... drinking in solace... comfort... consolation... wholeness... yet we speak... in light... in love... in lust... spiraling galaxies toward infinite heavens... i smell hues of unattainable deep blues... permeating... peaceful... tranquil... boisterous silence... yet we speak... we speak to pierce fruitful blacks tones to expose explosion of colors... fertile... life... yet we speak... we speak until impression, incarnation, semblance, effigy of his likeness answers... speak lightly...


Anonymous said...

more more more more

Relentless said...

How can I be down? :) your audience awaits

Shelle said...

speak lightly and with truth....yes give more more more

CousinSarah said...

frequencies audible only to mass and gases flirting with the andromeda galaxy... begging to commune.... praying for unison...dying to become stars

Oh my God 13--yes, begging to become stars....