E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


Assume the Position Poet... Inspired by LaLove Robinson

First off, twice in a couple of days, I have used another poet's work as a means of inspiration... For that I apologize, but at least I give credit.... This evening, we (Neo-Souldiers) were helping my/our "mirror" sister, Love practice for the upcoming semi's for the Austin Slam Team. While rehearsing, I was inspired by one of her newer poems... It was almost as if we HEARD it for the first time... For several reasons a) her delivery was flawless, b) I have been doing a LOT of poetry lately and my style is constantly changing c) I am becoming jaded with the whole "idea of slam", d) I've been listening to A LOT of Poetry CD's, e) a conversation with a damn good poet, who discussed not wanting to be recognized by his "age" just to name a few. Perhaps it was contributed to last weekend's discussion of "street poetry" during AIPF. I realized that I do not wish to be separated from "academia" because I spit with a little flair, confidence and attitude. As I listened to Love spit her piece, I listened to her words... which were witty and, as always, humorously on point. I was then reminded of "our" hesitancy to spit certain poems in "the other venues". Or at least my hesitancy. Last week during a slam, I refused to consider one of my better performance pieces because of the word "ni--er and profanity. I instead chose a "literary" piece in hopes of showing diversity and, embarrassingly enough, intelligence. But all I did was failed to assume the position. That behavior was not consistent with my poetic "attitude"... and if my thinking wasn't funky enough, I made a comment about reading off paper... My poetic mirror brother Langston aka B-Fran, confronted me and called me out on it. I guess, my thinking about slams has gotten so misguided that I was willing to sell myself short, and GASP, prostitute myself for the sake of attempting to win a slam.... Maybe I am JUST a performance poet, who does not slam very well all the time (I have won and placed in them, though). Maybe, I haven't reached my peak as a SLAM artist. I watch others work so hard to become "slam" poets, and they often become angry, bitter, disgusted, feel less then, whatever, about slams... especially when they don't win. I have even watched some poets, as am older wiser poet once told me "get so caught up in the idea of slam that they don't ever allow themselves to properly mature in the art"... (whatever that means)...But in essence I know what it means to me, but notwhat it might mean to others... Don't get me wrong, I love slams, both to watch and perform. And like others, at times, I feel slighted and/or jaded when I go outside my area and get fcked by the audience/judges who chose to vote for hometown favorites regardless of performance or talent.... Hell, a few weeks ago, I experienced one of the most ridiculous outings.... one person walked off the stage in the middle of their performance to get their piece because they forgot THEIR words... another forget their piece, said "fuck" walked backwards away from the mike to take the gum out of their mouth and walked back to the mic to finish their piece (I thought the gum was a prop!!! Yea, right...), (both of which got higher scores then me).. Now the person with the gum is a homegirl and they love her there, so i'm not hating the player... just the mo'frikin game... I've heard worse stories from "BIG NAME POETS" so I feel as if I have been welcomed to the "club"... but, if I had personalized it, I would never write another piece... It's just the nature of the game.... I guess I need to ask the question... Poet, what do you stand for? And search deep inside myself for the answer.... 'cuz I know that it ain't based on no score froma judge at a slam...
13 and they say that shyt ain't lucky...
Sidebar- mirror sister/brother (n) a sibling, not by blood, marriage and/or adoption who mimics and/or models behaviors which assist you in personal growth.

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