E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


giving thanks, LIVE from Renaissance Hall

  • my (SUB)Urban HangSuite complete with Renaissance Hall, the Langston-Zora Suite and the Harlem Boudoir!
  • the birds and thier voracious chirping one kiss shy of the back of your neck til dawn....
  • the light breeze that caresses the lift of smiling cheeks before the morning alarm.
  • laughing with with the Sex and the City we kilt the 4th B crew. "have i told you i love you lately..."
  • A moment with Sam... R.I.P.
  • A moment with Quentin... R.I.P.
  • My Baby Brother is moving to San Antonio to go to dental school!!! It's always cool when family moves closer!
  • Talking to my Dad this morning...
  • U21. Like really? I am following Greatness.
  • Grace, Opportunity and Destiny (G.O.D.)
  • Good Orderly Direction (G.O.D.)
  • Faith (that everything falls the way it's suppose to regardless of the mess, it can be beautiful). It's like a Rorscharch Test.
  • For making the phone call to you. I don't care who you tell. One day, you will remember our initial conversation months ago. Again, Rorscharch or Holtzman. It's psychological. You see coat of arms, I see bat.
  • Langston... I pray you are learning.
  • Moments and seasons.
  • AN ELM Tree..
  • my friends here and far far away...
  • lastly facebook... for real, i've never laughed so hard!


Ebony Stewart said...

Hey love the place! So retro contemporary!

Desperately needing you and Angel right now.

Hearts curved

my coffee is always said...

Call me anytime... Also, the door is open to you and Snuff if you need to get away for a sec on Saturday!!! Love you Niecey..

Shelle said...

like the list ma, even in the hard moments there are blessings...i see u