E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


thanks sex in the city w/kilt the 4th, langston, butterfly, and others....

for those who just keep wondering...
i am not angry...
I don't want you to recognize me...
I am not who you ever believed
I was..
I am happy.... er....
with er and without er....
and i just want time...
my time.
my space.
to put ME and my life back together
with er and without er again..
this time
with perspective,
and the gift of hindsight.
no one ever really knew me,
only what they believed..
and created....
give me time..
give me space...
allow me to drive my little car in my lane...
it's a beautiful place,
and space...
i pick up who i chose and we ride a while...
i drop some off...
it depends on my mood..
and frame of mind...
yet i am fine....
and have little use for the rear view mirror...
the road ahead is so damn beautiful...................


Shelle said...

we do rather well this way huh?lol...smiling 'cause you know i get it

Jakki said...

'...have little use for the rear view mirror...'

I need to adopt that view point

my coffee is always said...

My Life My Life My Life...
it's just a little way of saying I don't have time to revisit past negativity and relationships that were or cannot become pro social. Sometimes people will "put on" some one else's glasses to see the world. PUT ON YOUR OWN GLASSES!!!! Don't let others define the world and the people in it for you. My new motto: unless people can see me for ME.. they will look so much better being left behind!!! You know?

Lyrically speaking said...

Enjoyed reading the mouthwatering verses here :)

Ebony Stewart said...

This is true!
Kimmie all sexy and thangs!