E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


My Hair....

It was said that the wearer lived a "dread" life or a life in which he feared God, which gave birth to the modern name 'dreadlocks' for this ancient style......

My hair meant, and still means a lot to me. I just needed to make a change in my life. I had begun to make significant changes in my life, all for the better; however, I still lacked the spirituality needed in order to become whole. That idea of G.O.D. fearing has not sunk in. I still believe I can control other people, places and things. I believed that I had forgiven people and forgotten things, I hadn't. I've been better with my tongue, yet I'm not where I want to be. I needed to let some things go. Begin to cleanse my surroundings and the TEMPLE called ME.... Desperately wanting change, and wanting a statement to solidify that change I decided to cut away the last three years of my life. Not wanting to change or forget any of those moments. I want to learn from those years and make better future choices. I made some rather interesting choices and while, things seem okay and going well, I have a few regrets... And for a lack of imagination, I could not wash them out of my hair... Couldn't let go.
I needed to do the unthinkable, the unimaginable. let go and pray. I wanted Cassandra Wilson locks since the day I saw hers, and damn if I wasn't on my way! Yet you have to make sacrifices in order to grow. I want to live up to my potential. I still have my eyes on many prizes. The spiritual, physical and mental.

The hair cut wasn't thought out, I just did it. Now the weight. Putting down the extras that I use to make me "feel" better. Do not allow people, things or substance to fill voids only G.O.D. can fill. Another life lesson.

I love everyone's attention, and acknowledgement of the new do. I want to change, protect me, and set healthy boundaries...

With that being said... no offense, but let's keep our hands to ourselves and out of my hair.


Another sister and I were talking about it, and I am flattered that it seems, ugh, touchable... Yet, it's kind of like touching my ass... And I would never want you to do that unless we were intimate. Some of you will know what I'm talking about, some of you won't...

But I pray for simple overstanding. I do not want to have to deal with anyone being offended by my request. Or believing they are different.

Okay? This isn't to any one person. It's not directed at anyone. It is a public announcement.
love you all....


Shelle said...

i like all the changes, and the cut was very symbolic for you whether you thought about it or not. good stuff
not cutting mine, but have put some serious thought into locking it up.

Copasetic Soul said...

thanks for breaking down the meaning of 'dreadlocs'...sigh, i get tired of telling people the correct term for the style.

i have learned to ASK before touchings someones locs....people dont understand the energy held within the hair...even i, the crazybaldhead, know this.

Cassandra....has some crazy serious
loc...that are as beautiful as she is....Courtneys mom tried to get me to grow locs but i declined. No, i wish i had.....