E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


I was sick as heck...

but i fought through the fog and smoke.. i wasn't on the infamous syrup from a year or so ago, so with periodic coughing fits and other unimaginable little things sticking tightly to my lungs, i sat and listened to the Ladies of neo and Beyond represent. I really loved Ms. Jackson's hosting she was funny (partly most of my coughing fits were due to her) i only hope to see more of her hosting this year.. one poet in particular made her way back to the mic and not only was i floored by her words, but her courage. barely legal and deadly lethal (jono and brent) were in the house, i would have loved to sit and listen to the brainstorming for their pieces. our feature who stepped it up just in time did her thing.... my fondest moment aside from miss jackson's hosting was to watch my niecey fall in love with the mic again.... most tragic moment, but imma work on the brother was his excitement with getting a rewind. i wasn't too hard on him because i could breathe let alone talk after a hour or so into the show, but i want him to fall in love with hearing his own voice, not that of the crowd. damn, maybe that's my next piece.


Shelle said...

ms j was crazy, she's got the knack for sure.
yeah there is some fantastic goodness going on with neo lately...poets have been_____! shoot fill in the blank
please talk to him, i have already, but maybe he needs a lil more.

Ebony Stewart said...

I did fall in love with the mic again! Felt good! And now that I got my mics back from BFran's house...I can make love (LOL).

Angel said...

"...but i want him to fall in love with hearing his own voice, not that of the crowd. damn, maybe that's my next piece."

yep. and it also sounds like you already have your first line too...

Raging Bull said...

I do but I need to get my confidence up. That is why the rewind floored me. I am so afraid when I speak that no one cares. Also need to practice them so I can go off-book. Each one of you is a mentor and friend so keep the encouragement/critisms coming. Question: does it ever get easier to get up there?

my coffee is always said...

Didn't realize you had gotten a rewind last week Bull. Wasn't referring to another Brother int he venue. We'll work on you as well. There is no up there, we're all on the same stage and mic.