E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


First Gratitude in September's loss.....

let's see there is so much to be grateful for.... september is the hardest month of the year for me. it is a month of great loss. my mother and my grandmother. and a play big brother. while in the past being thankful has been hard, as i've grown i recognize there is so much more to it...

01) my mother
02) a tweety bird.
03) 70's music.
04) new found love in old love....
05) my girls... thanks. even when we don't talk EVERYDAY!
06) poetry, it's in my heart - not at any venue.....
07) a phone call that last for over an hour while I wandered in HEB
08) rediscovering adolescent goofiness with a 16 year old boy....
09) being still and listening to their constant urgings... yes village i hear you.
10) hustle and june/a dream and a month
11) letting go and moving on
12) two days working from home
13) a drive to SA to take my sister to lunch!


bRandy said...

how was that salad? man, i really thought you said "spaghetti"--i was on my way to p'ville-haahaa. enjoyed the convo--felt like old times.

Ebony Stewart said...

Though I can only imagine how hard this month is for you...I recognize you as a warrior and who holds great wisdom in locks. Love you.
Like old times tomorrow nigh? Angel what up?(lol)

Copasetic Soul said...

while in the past being thankful has been hard, as i've grown i recognize there is so much more to it...

that right there, is enough to be thankful for.

joey said...

yes to all of the above.