E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


Off, off.. Up, Up and Away...

(work) travel is cool most times...
the television playing law and order svu, csi, and all the other versions re-runned, flipping channels, trying to make it "feel" as if we're in the same city, same house, same room, same bed...
falling alseep to cell phone conversations discussing our individual days...
kisses and hugs through cellular towers aren't quite the same...
crunching blankets, trying to get used to sleeping alone...
waking up to a picture atop a hotel nightstand, just isn't the same...
I think we saw this version last year this time.... and I'm thinking I was in this city, picking out something I believe you'd like... not knowing if I could bring it through airport security... plotting a least one skipped lunch, working the team through it and way past six.. all the while bribing them with comp time, a drink, and another trip later during the year... if they'd do me this ONE favor... hoping we'd catch an earlier flight, (even if I'm at home waiting for you) and maybe, just maybe, this time it will be two nights instead of three....
wondering if you'd wake up a couple of times through out the night because you're a little lonely, missing me, looking for me, stretching for me, as I've done for you the last hour and a half... not able to sleep, because the blanket doesn't smell like you, the sheets aren't near as soft, and for whatever reason, the hum and crack of this damned cheap hotel air condition could never mimic the way you giggle between snores.. and i close my eyes, imagining the look upon your face that always.. always makes me want to get up the next morning and live up to the person you and God believe me to be......
and i know, you won't read this 'cause you believe I am dis-illussioned and don't wish to write anymore, that my muse is gone.. that's not true. i do wish to write. i want to right my wrongs, write our rites, be right(eous), write and re-write our future, each time better than the one before, most importantly, I want to forever remain right by your side.... and i won't spell check this, so that it will be perfectly, imperfect.. just like you, me and the love we share for one another....
see you soon...


Angel said...

"...and i close my eyes, imagining the look upon your face that always.. always make me want to get up the next morning and live up to the person you and God believe me to be..."


joey said...

miss kim...this was beautiful babygirl. i definitely know the feeling.

check mos' today...amari used your word!

Anonymous said...

very nice.... as always!

Ebony Stewart said...

Beautifully put