E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


in short thanks....


- brooklyn.... you are still one of the biggest influences in my life. on the real. we have to catch up.
- thanks and giving chill.. really wish i could have been there. sorry jo!
- a family road trip. sometimes just being there makes all the difference in the world.
- daydream.... song and the activity.
- jay z is back.. and yes angel the last line in hot... our new line.. 2 months!
- deep breaths and prayer.
- copa/eb and flow.... i miss you guys.... just been super busy.
- those mushrooms are still high on my list!
- great grand... yes, i am moving closer and closer to the woman you wanted me to be.
- learning that i must guard my thoughts.. they become my words..
- learning to guard my motives.. they become my character.
- this journey that i continue to write, and thanking god every step along the way for being the editor.


Ebony Stewart said...

Daydream, thats whats up!
I miss you too...no love lost, hearts curve.
I'm looking forward to hearing what new pieces God has allowed you to write, you are amazing!

joey said...

- learning that i must guard my thoughts.. they become my words..
- learning to guard my motives.. they become my character.

yes ma'am... right there with you

Angel said...

"- learning that i must guard my thoughts.. they become my words.."

"- learning to guard my motives.. they become my character."

"- this journey that i continue to write, and thanking god every step along the way for being the editor."

i would add (if i may) "learning to trust the voice that speaks to me even when i pretend not to hear it...

CousinSarah said...

- learning that i must guard my thoughts.. they become my words..

this is so true, somehow seeing it written that way makes more sense

I miss ya, hope you get a break from being busy.

Copasetic Soul said...

i miss you back...agree with Jo