E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


constantine and other forms of affection

a conversation from late february 2005...
"nothin. you?"
"trying to get some work done. something you should be doin."
"i know. i'm on break. checking out movies. i really want to see house of flying daggers. i love movies. you like going to the movies?"
"uhh. i really don't have to go. uhh. you know?"
"oh yea, i forgot."
"but, sometimes i like to go. I like independent movies, i really want to see million dollar baby."
"yea, me too. i also want to see that movie constantine......"
yesterday i received a copy of the movie constantine. in the midst of darkness and lightly scattered rain, my Indian Summer crept from behind cumulus clouds, stretched across the western hemisphere to embrace me in the cradle of a smile and a simple touch of a hand. fingers touched, head slightly titled, thru beautiful, groggy brown eyes, i was blessed with a reminder. not of whence i had come, but where i want to be. no one knows the often dark and lonely 26.3 mile trip filled with winding trails, farmer to market roads, highways and byways traveled, like we do. so, the fact that i recieved such a gift in the late of night, nearly two hours before the dawn of another day, was in itself, priceless. no, i never had the opportunity to see the movie at the theater nor did i watch it last night. i don't think i can even tell you what it's about without reading the synopsis on the cover. i can tell you i didn't read it last night. . .
last night, i relished in the idea of love. and how sometimes the heart knows what the heart needs. and while the movie may or may not be something i will enjoy. it's good to be remembered and heard.
so as i laid in my bed and pulled my teddy bear close to my heart, i thought of a future moment when we might enjoy the movie together. or perhaps a moment when i could let my guard down enough to share exactly how i felt in that moment. i am learning that love comes in very unusual ways, and sometimes it just comes, who would have thought it would have flown on the wings of a reluctant angel named constantine....

1 comment:

bRandy said...

There is truly nothing like the feeling of being heard and being cared for when you least see it coming. Knowing that someone listened to you before they truly knew you and knowing that they cared enough to show it now that they do know you...it's a beautiful thing. And I am so glad that you have it. Let me know how the movie turns out, as i have grown infinitely fond of hearing your thoughts.