E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.



  • Finally getting and settling into the Loft... It's feeling like home.
  • Dinner with the Sex in the City we kilt the 4th Crew. I love you Ladies.
  • Chil-riding with B-Fran to Killeen.
  • Last weeks Neo
  • The Under 21 Team.
  • My Elm Tree..
  • my family...
  • The strength in friendship. I am happy we've got to this space and place.
  • Knowing my lane well enough to drive with the lights off on a dark HIGHWAY!!!
  • Prayers
  • Remembering what used to be and vowing to make it better.
  • New beginnings on open highways with endless possibilities. Rolling the window down, enjoying the breeze, company and ride.
  • Witnessing a Mother's strength. I wish they all could be like Dr. Shelia.
  • Just a simple vow to make the most of the time I have on this EARTH. I am having a ball..
  • And lastly you... Yes, you... If not you, then who?


Lyrically speaking said...

Cool post, will stop by again

bRandy said...

nice list g3 (you remember what that means?)...i feel you on this--"Just a simple vow to make the most of the time I have on this EARTH. I am having a ball.."