E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.



so my dad made it to austin. they are staying at the la quinta up the toll road (about 4 miles from me). no, the step monster doesn't want to stay at the house, doesn't want to be in the way. Two women can't run a house hold she says. Whatever, I guess ELM made three and that was too much. I wish they would have stayed, but it's cool. I'm glad they left early enough... they took their time with Rita and it took forever to arrive in Austin. he looks good. glad to see him. tomorrow maybe some dominoes.. don't know.


Ebony Stewart said...

Glad the fam made it safely.

Shelle said...

yes, glad they did...such a cute pix...i still call mine daddy too...hee hee