E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


There may be some life in poetry after all....

last night I went to my now second favorite venue in the ATX. THE VORTEX. i love spoken and heard (my favorite!!), my man, joe bizzle's joint. u can hear anything there! no seriously! it has that very creative vibe, makes you want to write atop napkins and shyt. it's free of egos, it's youthful, vibrant, expressive. i mean it just is..
so last night, i went to zell's venue. and i was like oh!my! gosh! i forgot how cool the vibe! i mean you have to know zell, really well. his venue doesn't represent the high energy he brings as an artist, it is best expressed through his love for the words and his craft. you can see it on his mile wide face. if you've ever seen him smile, under that scruffy moustache and beard dude's smile is beautifully warm and melting. for real! and those who know him knows he can become PRETTY DAMN passionate about what he loves. yet, it is absolutely refreshing to watch him fall in love all over again with just listening to poetry and chilling... for real. the features, well you already know. austin won't hurt for courageous voices for a very long time. believe me. they actually epitomized the energy in the room. just two dudes (maple sap and i an't got a sweet tooth for that!)
and it reminded me of why i started writing. and the hunrgy word loving crew i came up with. it reminded me of b's living room and dining area, before poetic house parties. back then yora was no different then harlem world new york. the renaissance (zora and langston) bleeker st. (baldwin and hansberry) or the black arts movement (sanchez, nikki and elderidge).
it reminded me of why i write.
If this is my last, let it be a prayer,
as in that first day.
when we were formless and empty.
when light was separated from darkness.
earth from water.
substance from pretense.
when you graced purity upon lips
holiness in spirit
and we exhaled your praise.
a burnt offering
placed at our feet
sacrificing all that you knew
to be true.
you removed prose from your soul
as rib from man,
scriptures from the apostles

1 comment:

joey said...

ashes to ashes... dust to dust

just beautiful