E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


Who has the EGO? No Super Ticket.

Funny most believed Hillary would be the person with the problem... Doesn't seem to be the case. I understand he has the delgates and the States. BUT NOT THE STATES THAT WIN ELECTIONS!
below: Yahoo news.....
COLUMBUS, Miss. - Democrat Barack Obama ridiculed the idea of being Hillary Rodham Clinton's running mate Monday, saying voters must choose between the two for the top spot on the fall ticket.
The Illinois senator used his first public appearance of the week to knock down the notion that he might accept the party's vice presidential nomination. He noted that he has won more states, votes and delegates than Clinton so far.
"I don't know how somebody who is in second place is offering the vice presidency to the person who is first place," Obama said, drawing cheers and a long standing ovation from about 1,700 people in Columbus, Miss.
Saying he wanted to be "absolutely clear," he added: "I don't want anybody here thinking that somehow, 'Well, you know, maybe I can get both.' Don't think that way. You have to make a choice in this election."
"I am not running for vice president," Obama said. "I am running for president of the United States of America."

1 comment:

Tee Tee said...

Alright now... Know I'm still "spyin'.... ; )

And know you betta not vote or that damn mc cain (he doesn't even deserve caps)... Think Kim, Think!

I miss your voice, and your smile... Tell E I said hello and that I'm thinking of the both of you. I miss photography... Maybe I can do a shoot of the both of you together... To show what the taste of love looks like? maybe outdoors in a park?... let me know... or I'll begin to stalk! : ) Your still my sista right?