E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


almost.... but grateful either way..

01) for clarity... my circle's becoming smaller, but definitely tighter.
02) a saturday night date that was hellafun.
03) plans. i'm making plans.
04) meetings that go well and in my favor.
05) you loving your job.... it makes everything so much easier...
06) me loving my job... (even if for now) it makes everything so sweeter.
07) the next 48 hours.... i love that show!
08) in two days i'll be off for over a week!
09) and you'll be home with me!!!!
10) wanting nothing and getting everything.
11) just another reason that i call you my closest friend in austin!
12) g.o.d. and the willingness to take direction.
13) YOU.(reading this!).... what would i do without you?

bonus: gerald making my t-shirt in hellatime for neo last thursday....

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