E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


Thankfully Taking a Page out of the Book of Angie...

01) The opportunity to stand DIRECTLY in front of Jill Scott during the invitation only concert in Houston last night.
02) Getting there early enough to hear the sound check, and watching Jill walk directly past me. As she walked through us, she said "hello."
03) Getting extra tickets and drinking the hell out of the Carmel Appletini's.
04) Getting a copy of the show's playlist.
05) Our third year seeing Jillio together.... Our FIRST TRUE DATE WAS A JILL SCOTT CONCERT.
06) Okay.... it get's better...Getting a VIP PASS to hang out with JILL AND HER BAND.
07) Only better... A PHOTO WITH JILL to be published in Envy Magazine.
08) BETTER THAN EVER... Reminded her that I saw her in Dallas before the National Poetry Slam. She asked how'd we do, and then get this, she said, "that's right I told you to get them with your words and not performance." she did remember. SHE PROBABLY SAYS THAT TO ALL THE POETS BUT SHE SAID IT TO ME LAST NIGHT.
09) Hanging with angie, and listening to her crack up dang near the entire lobby before the show.
10) Making it there and back safely!
11) A new poem, and a new one memorized.
13) G.O.D. because without it, well, to live without it is truly tragic.

BONUS: For G.O.D., ELM and Angie making sure I got to realize YET ANOTHER dream....


bRandy said...

jealous...does...not...even...begin...to...describe...me...right...now. lol but i'm happy for you--i know jill's YOURS, not mine, but daaaang....

Shelle said...

you know i had to stop by today and see what happened last night! *sigh* ...all i can say lol

Ebony Stewart said...

So glad you got to be front row and watch ya girl do her thang! Nice list.

joey said...

very nice missy! thought about you yesterday as i watched your girl in the new tyler perry movie...

Angel said...

i'm so glad that you had such a memorable time. jill does have a space and purpose in your life doesnt she?

Copasetic Soul said...

im jelly...but im not gonna trip because you are my big sister...but
if you werent...i would be talking about you!!

glad you enjoyed though

Raquita said...

Um... yeah - I don't normally need contacts for my green eyes, they turn back pretty quick on their own