E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.



Chemistry was crazy from the get go.. Neither one of us knew why...

I wish I was perfect. I could re-write all my wrongs, and create a a fairy tale. The one with you and me, happily ever after, no pain, no hurt, no let downs, no frowns. But that's simply not what life is or about...

I know we started before this date, but this was the date, that I truly recognized how I felt about you. And from that moment forward I could not stand the thought of spending another moment without thinking of you or being in your company. That of course has changed, but it's changed with maturity. I mean at some point we had to stop calling into work on Monday morning, just so that the date that started on Friday would never end. Remember the time it didn't end until Wednesday? I do. We lost a lot of vacation and sick days didn't we? I still think of those days and smile.

I remember the day I fell in love with you, but I was too afraid to say it. It was a Tuesday. A rainy Tuesday. I was suppose to be doing something else, but all I wanted to do was talk to you. I wanted to see you, but didn't know how to ask. So I talked about everything and everything, and anything.. Often making up stuff to fill the silence, (but you know that now), just to show you how witty and quick I was.. oops, still am. But I'm not perfect. I want to be.

I want to remember it all, good, bad and indifferent, just to make sure I don't miss an opportunity to learn... How to make you happy, how to cheer you up, how to correct myself before I mess up... I just want to. Really.

I don't know what I can say that won't cause you much embarrassment. I do want to say.. thanks... thank you for being my shade tree.. even when I'm not perfect... But I'm trying to be.


Angel said...

shoot! i wanna use up some of my sick days and vacation days on a love like that there! yessir! ;-)

Ebony Stewart said...

Incredibly sweet and a nice side of you