E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.


superwoman (revisited)

fallen superwoman (revisited)
she doesn't know that I see her the way
she really wants to be seen;
feel her the way she really wants to be felt;
love her the way she really wants to be loved
like I love my sisters, like I love myself....
unconditionally conditionally...
wanting all that's best
despite our missteps
and frailties,
she wears victoria's secret like a masked marvel,
leaping buildings not yet constructed..
she wears explicit prose
draped ' round stiff collars
and fights demons
lurking in her shadowed
controlled movements..
veiled in family secrets
real and imagined
not realizing she does more harm to self
than any evil villain.
I wish I could write her wrongs
color her in hues
long abandoned
in her youth...
she learned heroes
aren't people or sandwiches;
just bullshit
caught 'tween wonder bread and miracle whip.
and she
a miraculous wonder
whips wishes and remains.
a healthy reminder for the family
to do and be more
than what falls between
the cracks in ghetto sidewalks
colored in the shade of decayed blood
spilled by those before her.
that basic color of death could never capture her
or contain her dreams which
bleed past familial lines.
there is no color for invincible..
so she uses strong blacks
to paint the woman she wants
to be (and)
everyone to see.
transparent to me
so she waits for a poem
that she doesn't want to be written,
and prays
for self redemption.
kdtaylor, 2006
section 8 coffee publishing
all rights reserved


CousinSarah said...

not realizing she does more harm to self
than any evil villian
I wish I could write her wrongs
color her in hues long abandoned
but, in her youth she learned heroes
aren't people or sandwiches
just bullshit
caught 'tween wonder bread and miracle whip
so she simply remains a wish


Copasetic Soul said...

ok, so im pretty speechless at the moment.

the word "beautiful" is used so often...and is becoming overused but it applies here..

Angel said...

no words...silent tears...but no words...

Ebony Stewart said...

"she wears victoria's secret like a masked marvel,
leaping buildings not yet constructed..

Nice word play poet...but then again, I'd expect nothing other than that!

Anonymous said...

this is beautiful in so many ways.....

you have to be one of the strongest writers i know....i'm grateful for that too!

Shelle said...

damn good write kim, damn good...must agree with tina, you are one of the best!

BigSleep666 said...

she learned heroes
aren't people or sandwiches;
just bullshit
caught 'tween wonder bread and miracle whip.

Ouch! Sad!