E. Zora Knight

My photo
a special order, straight queer and strong black.



- on knees, finding my way...
- loving you... MY TREE, you are always in my heart.
- friends masquerading as family.
- knowing
- my family
- grace, opportunity and destiny
- fulfillment
- hunger
- langston
- angel/eb
- tears
- lessons. i would do it differently
- patience
- U21
- G.O.D.
- convos with Bug's Desire (yes, YOU TWO)
- lastly you, thanks for making me feel truly alive...


bRandy said...

lol...nice nickname. nice list.

Shelle said...

lol great lists ma...bug's desire huh? hmm ok lol
glad you are back safely

Ebony Stewart said...

masquarade...YEA! We should have a Ball??? Lol. Smooches